Wednesday, August 1, 2012

#8 Bottle Cap Keychains

I had seen these around and thought they were adorable, so when I saw a pin on how to make them I decided to give them a try! The pin on pinterest didn't lead me anywhere, so I started to do some searching on my own.

First I went to sites like Hobby Lobby and Micheal's. They had diy kits, but they were pricey and I didn't want the premade designs. Sooooo.....I went to ebay. 

I heart ebay!!!

I was able to buy a kit that had the keyring, jump ring, bottle cap and epoxy stickers all in one! All I had to do was find the images. I heart google.

The kit I bought already had the keychain constructed. All I had to do was print the images on photo paper, and yes it needs to be photo paper. You should have seen what it looked like on regular paper. Not pretty. 

I did have some tools from my scrapbooking days that worked great for cutting out a nice even 1" circle, and the adhesive to attach the image to the bottle cap.

These would make great small gifts or party favors. You could do a theme for a team, support group or book club even! You can buy premade design sheets off etsy as well with designs of just about anything.

Here is what I came up with! Not bad if I do say so myself.

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